12 November 2006


I have links. I have links! I am so f'ing proud of my technology-challenged-bad-self. I added them all by myself. Looked at the example in the template, picked up the phone to call for help, shut the phone and forced myself to figure it out. Yea for me!

Kept hearing Jerri tell the story of her transformation from "couldn't even change a light bulb" to home repair diva! Thanks Jerri, you're a huge inspiration.

I'm taking on the DVD player next. The stereo. The wi-fi connection. I'm taking over the whole electronic world.

Fifteen hours and twenty minutes into Sunday (my first daylight post)


  1. Oh, yea, who rocks? Who can handle ANYTHING? Who has great taste in which blogs to link? Who am I so proud of? There ain't nothing you can't do, sister. Let me hear you roar!!!!

  2. Ha ha. I just added links myself the other day. Took 3 hard tries but I was bouncning off the walls too. Congrats!

  3. Help line? You don't need no stinkin' help line.

    You are your own lifeline, Holly. We see it in your words, we see it in your eyes. We see it in your LINKS!

    go, girl.

  4. Congrats on your links and your daylight post and your technology! If you need any help with the wifi or anything else, let me know and I'll be right over! :) (Not that I'm so great with technology...)
    Oh, I'm behind in the blog world... I'll be back soon, I promise!

  5. Yep, I bypassed my trusty web guy and did my own links and felt pretty cool. Right on.
