14 October 2007

scenes from a hood river coffee house

me: I'd like a bowl of the veggie lentil
nosering: Oh, we don't have that.
me: Um, you might want to cross it of the specials baord
nosering: yeah, good idea.
me: ok, i'll have an iced-mocha. soy. and, what are the scones.
norering: that's one's blueberry? i think. I don't know about the other.
me: I don't want to be a bitch, but there are bugs in your pastry case. There are four stuck in the glazed donut.
nosering: yeah. said like this yeaaaahhhhh. goes on working and doesn't remove the donut. doesn't even look at the pastry case. not even a sideways glance.
me: I'll just take the mocha.


  1. And lay off the bong, nosering!

  2. Yeah, and I can vouch for the fact that the donut with the bugs was still there an hour later. Gross.

    I don't think there were bugs in my sandwich though. I hope.

  3. More protein? A sign that we aren't that different from bugs? Or a prompt to call the health department? You decide.
