12 December 2007


hello out there.
out there.


Me, shouting into the empty echo of this silent space. Trying to shake the quiet from the air. Here I am.
I am.

And I've missed you all in the busy months of fending for myself. Fending for my self being working as a freelance writer, paying my rent and watching the unopened bills overflow my little wicker in box. But, good news. You can't ruin bad credit. When the collectors call, I say "If you're not nice to me, I'm moving you to the back of the line. And it's a long line."

It's coming together. More everyday. Better balance. New paid blogging gig. Paid blogging is just like getting free money. And, even better, I do it under pen name. Free money to be me posing as someone else in a place no one knows about. This writing thing is finally echoing back to me.

All this good going on, so tell me, why is it I want to crawl into bed, pull the covers up over and sleep the day away?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice post, holly. you made the choice to freelance, and look at how the opportunities rise up to greet you.

regarding the urge to sink under the covers, well -- maybe some old patterns to break, or maybe it's just the way we all feel sometimes. we all do. laugh at your funny self and roll along, my dear! xo t

11:56 AM  
Blogger kario said...

I love what you tell the creditors! You are a superstar, my friend. Your perseverence will pay off, but the fact that it is a difficult road is helping your covers beckon to you.

Remember to take some time to fill yourself up and surround yourself with people who support your dream.


8:07 AM  
Blogger Carrie Wilson Link said...


Loooooooovvvvveeeeee this.

I love that you can't ruin bad credit! You're going big with that! That's the spirit!

My covers beckon to me ALL the time, damn covers! But now I just call it "meditation." It's all about word choice!


6:44 PM  
Blogger Deb Shucka said...

Abundance takes some getting used to after a spell of walking in the wilderness. You deserve every good thing that's happening. Throw those covers back and revel in it all!

7:52 AM  
Blogger riversgrace said...

um, because you're exhausted from a year of fending? um, the coast is finally clear and you can crawl under if you want because there is a 98% chance that you'll reemerge?

You deserve the rest, my dear.

And, by the way, soooo proud of the way you hustle and create beauty!

11:46 PM  
Blogger Writer said...

Because risk is scary! But life is too short not to risk!

But you can do it! cool...you are freelance writing! AWESOME! I am so excited for you!

5:07 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

I wanna crawl back under my covers a lot of days. This time of year? And it has been a rough year with a lot of hard work.

But, you rock. I'm amazed at how many good things are happening, good things you made happen. Revel in that, and in some good sleep, too. I'm proud of your sleeping, too. Seriously.

12:48 PM  

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